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The Netherlands
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Extension office open XML (OOXML) support

The last OpenIMS expansion now offers the ability to both Microsoft Office Open XML (OOXML) as documents to manipulate. The support for the OpenDocument format (including, it is already available within a few years OpenIMS.

Besides the indexing and searching documents in the Office Open XML format, with expanded facilities to OpenIMS metadata OpenIMS DMS for use within an Office Open XML document. Based on this integration OpenIMS DMS able metadata such as name, address or project data to Microsoft Word documents to add. This application is often used in document templates (templates) for example, a standard letter which can make all sorts of information like owner, version number and other features directly on the document are added without the user having to perform this action.

Using an additional facility is also hyperlinks to related documents in a Microsoft Word document visible. You can consider attachments, work instructions or forms. It is also possible to custom Microsoft Word documents, which form, and to read the data from the completed form OpenIMS process. Obviously this must be furnished.

Finally OpenIMS is also capable of documents to PDF / A (archive worthy version of PDF) to convert. With the support of these ISO standards adopted OpenIMS provides comprehensive support for key open standards and documented.

Office Open XML (OOXML) is an open standard file format for Microsoft Office documents. The standard was developed by Ecma International and ISO / IEC and is based on a format developed by Microsoft for Office 12. ISO / IEC has the format then standardized as ISO / IEC 29500:2008.

The OpenDocument Format (ODF), or the OASIS Open Document Format for Office Applications, is an open standard for storing and / or exchange of text files, spreadsheets, charts and presentations. The OpenDocument standard was developed by the OASIS consortium, starting from the XML-based file format for

About OpenSesame ICT
OpenSesame ICT is a Dutch software company that focuses on the creation of knowledge intensive business solutions based on the Open Source platform. These solutions are delivered under the name OpenIMS and SugarCRM. With several projects on Content, Document, Knowledge, CRM and Workflow Management OpenSesame ICT has proven to deliver outstanding solutions for knowledge and information management. For more information please contact Mr. E. van Korven (Business Development Manager) or visit the websites and/or
