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NL-3431 AK Nieuwegein
The Netherlands
phone : +31(0)30 60 35 640
fax : +31(0)30 63 00 333
e-mail: info@osict.com
NL-3431 AK Nieuwegein
The Netherlands
phone : +31(0)30 60 35 640
fax : +31(0)30 63 00 333
e-mail: info@osict.com
Various OpenIMS information can be downloaded here.
Whitepaper OpenIMS Business Process Management Server (BPMS) |
OpenIMS Community Edition (CE) (Linux distributions only) |
OpenIMS TransferAgent (Client Windows installer) |
Cofely GDF-SUEZ900 out of total 1700 Dutch professionals working for Cofely Zuid-Nederland work with OpenIMS.