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Document Management


OpenIMS is a platform to manage and control al kinds of non-structural (digital) information. The system has been developed to be flexible, simple and extendable. OpenIMS Document Management Server, one of the underlying server products has also been set up from this philosophy.

OpenIMS Document Management Server is developed entirely on the basis of Internet technology. With "replication" is it possible to maintain documents off-line and synchronise later. OpenIMS Document Management Server has the following properties:

  • 100% webbased.
  • Document type independent.
  • Extended version management.
  • Template management.
  • Document generation (including metadata fields, block titles).
  • Integrated Worklfow management.
  • Simple and fast search facilities.
  • Replication and synchronisation.
  • Platform independent.



Cofely GDF-SUEZ900 out of total 1700 Dutch professionals working for Cofely Zuid-Nederland work with OpenIMS.

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